To be filed under the, "aren't you too busy to add another project?" list comes this. I've spending some time in the past while trying to develop some images for a line of t-shirts. Not necessarily to break into any markets (he said as if he knew what he was talking about), but just because I wanted something that I didn't see existed. I'm not one to get angry and rant about racial issues - I just don't see the point - but I do like the idea of putting things out there that have personal meaning to me.
Being a "halfbreed" has been a source of shame and alienation to me, but it has also been something from which I've been able to draw a lot of strength and grow in knowledge. As an adult, I feel I was blessed to have the struggles I did, and those hard times have become a source of quiet wisdom for me as I grow old enough and still enough to discover it.
I'm happy that my parents were attracted enough to each other to make a bunch of olive-ish babies. I'm glad to be here, freckles and all! I wanted to celebrate the fact that there are a lot of us new kind of humans around. I like to think that our parents have given us only the best parts of themselves and I hope one day everyone has a nice olive-y complexion. It will mean that the old ideas of "race" (what a word to describe people, as though there are winners and losers*) have been discarded and we're all into each other for who we are inside, not just how we appear on the surface.
And where can you get these fine designs? Well, unfortunately they're not in production as I've made them entirely for myself, but if there was enough interest I'd happily get some silkscreeeners to pull a few dozen.
More designs (probably) to come!

The flowers on this design were inspired by Native American and Metis beadwork flowers that used to adorn (and still do!) everything from jackets to purses to moccassins, and these days, even key-chains.
*thanks, Sherri, for planting that idea in my head!
you're welcome Aaron. I was hoping we would see a blog soon. I was wondering what might have happened since Art Camp.
I lived with those issues, they are all too familiar too me. Having a mother who denied her heritage and wouldn't allow me to even allow my skin to darken brings back , oh so not good memories. In the end I refused my card even. Simply because as you said, it's no longer about race. It's having a sense of pride, embracing the good as well as the ugly in our lives. I would definitely purchase the top one if you do decide to start marketing them. Love The Raven image in flight, the eloquence of the script. In one word Beautiful! (Hugs) Indigo
Great idea and you know, since I never had to face any racial intolerance I always wished I had a much more interesting ethnic background. (Obviously my bigoted father had no influence on me! :) To be biracial would be the best. I don't think the old cliche about mixed race kids being the best looking ones in the bunch is far wrong.
I want one of each...they are so pretty. I'll wear them to school Even if I am not olive-ish.
Hi Aaron i'm Brittany but i need help i'm doing a reaport on canadian Aboriginal artists. And i chose you because i love your art work but i don't love the fact that theres no informaition about you that i need. Can you please help me?
hey aaron, these rock! i'm sending them both to Maria, looks like prime book cover imagery to me! damn she scooped a great title,eh!?
i'm with indigo, the first one really speaks to me. the elegance of being mixed blood/half breed may be overlooked by some, denied by others, but there's plenty of us willing (needing, craving) the opportunity to represent the truth of things as we walk through the world.
the second one works for a different mood, put it in neon-- modern, happy half breeds will flounce & stroll through the world in this one
While we're talking marketing, have you given thought or made any moves or done any production toward our Healing Christmas project? If you retain copyright of the icon image I'm talking about, you would really be doing our community a deep favour by releasing the image in cards and posters, and hey, t-shirts as well.
You have a gift to speak simply in imagery about some of the most pressing and challenging issues that we are facing, too often alone. By sharing your gift more widely, you can provide comfort and succour to so many more, some very far from home.
Do you think any one of us would be troubled, should you become enriched by the sharing? HELL NO!
We want you to live long & prosper, so we can see what comes next, & what comes next... & then...
hey darlin!
listen, if you ever do another series, think about those of us who are labeled "Heinz 57" :) i'd love one. i've always been strangely conscious of the many "bloods" that are running thru my veins- they all run red, and i wouldn't be the same without each drop.
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