I was interviewed last month and here it is: Dante's Heart
Here's the opening excerpt:
Resident in Alberta, Aaron Paquette has carved and shaped his own unique niche in Canadian art, as well as building a lively network of artists and artisans through his blog. One of our editors, Meghan O'Dea, set out to interview him.
Dante's Heart: Aaron, I see from your blog that you enjoy interviewing other artists. What gave you the idea to set up that kind of dialogue? What excites you about interviewing and what have you learned from the artists you interview?
Aaron Paquette: I think a lot of people want to be artists, or already are and need some encouragement. I know I certainly feel that way sometimes! What I like about the interviewing process is that every now and then a nugget of gold will be found in the words, and it can be different for everybody. There's a chance for everyone to walk away with something valuable they can use in their own lives.
In other news, I finished the cover for a Book coming out this fall called "Dreamcatcher" published by Theytus Books in Penticton. As the date approaches I'll post more information.
I'm also done the paintings for my collaboration with poet Andy Michaelson. That book should be ready for next Spring.
Painting has been slow going over the past six months, but I've found my groove again and that's a relief as I'll be having a mini show at Mandolin Books in May (the works will be posted and for sale through the Bearclaw Gallery).
And last but not least, I have a show coming up in June at the Willock and Sax Gallery.
That should be enough updates for now. Here's a painting!

I really like this one
Hey where's the paintings from our collaboration!? :)
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