Saturday, February 13, 2010


Acrylic, Oil, Fabric and
Gold Leaf on Canvas

As much as I identify with the raven, I have to acknowledge the power the rabbit has played in my life. Anytime I have made an important decision I have immediately seen a rabbit to let me know I chose correctly. In this painting the rabbit is ahead of its time. The landscape is still that drying rust of change. Plants have yet to sleep and here is the rabbit clothed in white, camouflaged from nothing. A prescient understanding of what is to come? A careful nudge in the right direction?

All I know is that whatever the message, there is an innate and quiet understanding here. One full of breath and open spaces.


Eraethil said...

One of your best. I really appreciate that there is a meaning behind this beautiful image. Cheers!

Unknown said...

This is really quite stunning. I have noticed rabbit as a recurring motif in your work, and I actually find his/her presence quite soothing. Whereas raven - in your works - I tend to interpret as being more dynamic.

As always, your work is stunning.

Aaron Paquette said...

Thanks Eraethil and Ravenari, I really appreciate your comments.

E, there is a story behind all of my paintings, I should remember to share them.

R, you've expressend my feelings about it exactly.